Courses where structures and functions of biological macromolecules are discussed may benefit from materials found here. Images and movies from these pages have been successfully incorporated into a series of PowerPoint presentations for the UCSB course Chem 142A, which was offered during the Summer Session of 2003.
Structures are grouped into four categories. Click on the image below to follow the link.
Images in this category illustrate some of the different ways how macromolecules can be rendered. Different viwes of an integral membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin are shown.
Images in this category illustrate secondary structure elements in proteins and some common protein folds
Images in this category illustrate relationships between protein structure, dynamics, and function. Active site views of some well-understood enzymes, such as chymotrypsin, haloalkane dehalogenase, and lysozyme are provided.
Structures of base-pairs, different helical forms of DNA, and structures of various ribonucleic acids are presented.
This page was last updated Feb 10, 2004 by Kalju Kahn. Return to the main page.