ABLE serves as an on-line educational resource providing tutorials, images, animations, and literature links on topics relevant to chemistry and biochistry students at UCSB and elsewhere. The presentation is currently organized around few key concepts in biochemistry, or are designed to support teaching courses at UCSB. In creating these pages, we have tried to explain important concepts at the level understandable to upper-level undergraduates while avoiding duplication on topics for which excellent web-based resourses exist elsewhere.
Many important processes in biochemistry involve element of dynamics that cannot be accurately depicted by static textbook illustrations. To address this issue, ABLE uses animations and molecular movies for illustration. It also provides access to many structure files and PyMOL scripts that allow powerful visualization of important structural features of macromolecules.
At the present time, ABLE provides resources and tutorials in support of the following topics:
The following web pages by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at UCSB independently provide interesting tutorials and resources to students:
This page was last updated July 20, 2011.